We had a whale of a time today during our Ocean Day! This is such a fun 1st grade event and the kids loved getting to explore the ocean. We tried different types of seafood and I was very impressed with how much the kids tried! We also created a whale craft as well as our own mini aquarium. We looked at sand from different places and placed the sand under microscopes so we could see each type of sand up close! We even got to explore an octopus. They dove right in and touched the octopus and noticed the different textures an octopus has. Thank you to all the parents that volunteered to help run the stations today as well as the parents that donated items to make our Ocean Day a huge success. I truly appreciate all you do to support our classroom and your child’s learning. Here are some pictures from our day.

I hope they came home and told you all about it! This week, Zach was our superstar. It was great to hear all about Zach and learn more about him. He was our last superstar of the year so Pinky will be taking a nice long break. Thank you for helping your kids out with their poster and journals.