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Launching into April

This was a fun week in Kindergarten. The weather has been so beautiful! This week, we launched our poetry unit! I hope you have been enjoying the sensory poetry your kiddos have been sending you on Seesaw. We have been talking a lot about the mental images our minds create when we read poetry as well. Today in their folders, I sent  home their mental images from a poem titled My Neighbor’s Dog is Purple. We drew an image just based on the title, then reading the poem without the ending and then a final drawing once we added the ending on. Here is the poem if you are interested.

We also created a drawing of a poem called Green Giant. We started a chart that we can write down all the things we have learned that poetry is as well.

One of the best things about today was that we won the Golden Spork Award!!!!! Our kiddos have been working so hard in the cafeteria to earn this award and were so excited that they finally got it today. Not only does this beauty go with us to lunch for the next week but your child also went home with a Mighty Fine Burger certificate for burger! Please look for them in your child’s folder.

Another cool thing we got to do today was go watch the 5th graders launch the balloons they made. They even had a real hot air balloon that we got to go see! It was a cool experience for the kids to see.

Our garden is doing great! Our jalapeno plants have gotten a bit taller and we saw the beginning of a jalapeno today but our cilantro has been sprouting up this week. The rain will be nice for it this weekend!

Last but not least, we learned more about our buddy Aaron this week while he was the superstar!

Sassy Lassy is going home to visit his last friend this week! Lucy will wrap up Sassy Lassy’s tour of homes this year! We can’t wait to hear about Lucy and Sassy Lassy’s adventures.

Have a great weekend!


We had a great first week back from Spring Break last week. I loved hearing about all the fun you had during your week off! The biggest thing that we did last week was launching our PBL project! We read the book, Chicks and Salsa and then planted jalapeños and cilantro in our Kinder”garden” behind the playground. Thank you to everyone who donated seeds, plants, and milk jugs! The kids are very excited to see the garden each day and they are loving taking care of it. Thank you to Lisette Castaneda and Jennifer Halla for coming to help with the planting as well. We will be using our garden up until the beginning of May and might need some help here and there on the weekends with watering as it starts getting hotter and hotter. Be on the lookout for an email from about volunteering to water our garden one weekend.

Sassy Lassy is also winding down his visits. We only have two friends left to be the Superstar! This week, we are learning more about our buddy Aaron!

Happy Spring Break!!!

I can’t believe it’s Spring Break!!! This year is flying by! We had a great week this week. We learned about compound words and how to write how to’s. We started learning about subtraction and natural resources as well. When we come back from Spring Break, we will start our PBL garden project. If you signed up for milk jugs, plants, etc. then please bring those in by Tuesday, March 21st. We will also need some parents to come volunteer to help us get the garden set up on March 22nd at 1:30 near the playground. If you would like to  help us launch our garden project then please let me know. You will need to be a registered RRISD volunteer to come and help.

I introduced some “reading rings” this week. These are great for word recognition but they also help build fluency when reading. They have to time themselves to see if they can read the whole stack by the time the sand timer goes out and they are really excited to do them. I love that any time they get, they ask if they can go read them!

I also wanted to put a picture of some of the reading strategies we have been working on. As your child gets deeper into reading, they will come across tricky words and these strategies can really help them problems solve those tricky words.

This is also a great time of year to start working on a little more independence with teaching your child how to tie their shoes. I was shown this video by another parent and they said that this video really set helped her kids grasp the idea of tying their shoes.

We also got to learn about our friend Brett more this week while he was the superstar! It was great to see all the fun he and Sassy Lassy had all week. Sassy Lassy is taking Spring Break as well and we will send him home with a new friend when we come back.

I hope you all have a safe and wonderful Spring Break!

Busy Busy Week

Wow! That was a jam packed week! Between all of our Dr. Seuss celebrations and the field trip I am sure we all needed some rest this weekend. Not to mention we were still learning a ton during all of our celebrations. We learned a ton about living and nonliving things this week. We created collages to show our understanding of living and nonliving things. I hope you are enjoying a window into their learning with Seesaw. My hope is that it has helped drive conversation about how their day or week was at school. We are continuing to grow as readers and writers and I am blown away by these kiddos every week. We also worked on math problems this week. We created number stories such as “Build me a tower that is 2 more than 7.” We are really trying to have a deep understanding of our numbers.

The kids had a blast celebrating Dr. Seuss this past week but, I am a horrible teacher who did not get pictures at all! The only picture I got was when Mrs. Freide came to read a Dr. Seuss book to us on Thursday! I guess that means we were having to much fun for me to even think about getting a picture.

All the kids really enjoyed our field trip to the Thinkery on Friday. A lot of the kids have been there before but during our tour they really teach them about all the different sections and what they are learning while they are exploring. I want to say a HUGE thank you to all the moms that helped out during our field trip. I definitely couldn’t have done it without you!!!! I caught a few pictures of our fun day.

During all our fun, we got to learn more about our buddy Logan this week and all his adventures with Sassy Lassy!

Next week we will learn more about Brett while he is the Superstar. After Sassy Lassy visits Brett, he will be enjoying Spring Break as well.

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