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Busy Busy September

This was another great week in 1st grade! We had a lot of fun and learning going on! We worked in our handwriting books. We talked a lot about having nice and neat handwriting so our readers can read what we are writing.

We also had a special treat when Mrs. Kuta came to do one of her speech lessons with us. She dresses up for all her lesson and this time she came as Moana.

We also had our first Star Student! It was a lot of fun getting to know more about Akshara!

Our first guest reader also came today. Ethan’s family was first and his sister came down from 4th grade to read to us. This was also a special treat for me because Eileen was in my 1st Kindergarten class! She read My Lucky Day by Keiko Kasza, You Think It’s Easy Being the Tooth Fairy? by Sheri Bell-Rehwoldt, and Mickey’s Night Before Christmas.

Have a great weekend!

Math Workshop and Library Visit

We went to the library again this week and had a lesson with Mrs. Bamford. She reads a book to the class one week and then the next week does some sort of technology lesson to go along with that book. This week was our first technology lesson.

We also have been working hard on setting up our math workshop time! It’s a great time to share learning with our classmates and build our math brains!

Book Tasting

We had a fun and eventful week this week in first grade! We continued to discuss math workshop and worked with a tool called a math rack.

We also got to visit the library for the first time this year. We got to explore the new furniture and see the newly renovated library. They were most excited to be able to check out 5 books this year instead of 3 like in Kindergarten. They can bring back books to check out new ones any day. I want them to get books as often as they need to. They do not need to wait until our story time on Wednesdays to return and check out new books.

We ended the week with a fun event that got us thinking about what kind of books interest us and what we might want to read in the future. We had a “book tasting” with “four courses.” We explored fiction and nonfiction during this even and they recorded things they were interested in and even things that they weren’t interested in. We even had some visitors come in and experience our book tasting. Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Hougham, and Mrs. Owen all came to see what first grade was cooking up!

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